請教各位高手們,小弟在Vmware Vma5 的 SuSe Linux 上安裝usha的client端程式,但是當我自行設定關機指令時,uGuard都不會執行我指定的關機指令,只會執行系統關機的動作請問有沒有前輩遇過這種問題該如何解決呢!以下是小弟的uGuard.conf 該指令單獨執行是可以的,權限也都設定為777了
;Sample configuration file of uGuard
;RemoteHostIP: The IP address of remote UPS.
;Set the address to default IP ( if no USHA Service is connected.
RemoteHostIP =
;ClientName:The name of the this machine[optional].
; Free form for this parameter.
; Maximum 28 bytes long.
ClientName = vma500
;WarningBeep status:
WarningBeep = 0
;1 = TRUE; 0 = FALSE(default)
;ShutdownDelay: The local delay time before shutdown.
; Range from 0 to 65536 seconds.
;ShutdownDelay = 2700
ShutdownDelay = 10
;Special shutdown script
ShutdownScript =/shutdownESXi.sh
;ShutdownScript = ls -la
;ForceShutdownDelay: The delay time for executing shutdown program
; Range from 0 to 65536 seconds.
;ForceShutdownDelay = 0
;Check AC Fail event
;1 = TRUE; 0 = FALSE(default)
AcFail = 1
;Check Battery Low event
;1 = TRUE; 0 = FALSE(default)
BatteryLow = 1
;Sample configuration file of uGuard
;RemoteHostIP: The IP address of remote UPS.
;Set the address to default IP ( if no USHA Service is connected.
RemoteHostIP =
;ClientName:The name of the this machine[optional].
; Free form for this parameter.
; Maximum 28 bytes long.
ClientName = vma500
;WarningBeep status:
WarningBeep = 0
;1 = TRUE; 0 = FALSE(default)
;ShutdownDelay: The local delay time before shutdown.
; Range from 0 to 65536 seconds.
;ShutdownDelay = 2700
ShutdownDelay = 10
;Special shutdown script
ShutdownScript =/shutdownESXi.sh
;ShutdownScript = ls -la
;ForceShutdownDelay: The delay time for executing shutdown program
; Range from 0 to 65536 seconds.
;ForceShutdownDelay = 0
;Check AC Fail event
;1 = TRUE; 0 = FALSE(default)
AcFail = 1
;Check Battery Low event
;1 = TRUE; 0 = FALSE(default)
BatteryLow = 1